Thursday, November 17, 2016

Update and Queen Anne's Lace Finish

I apologize for my severe lack of blog posts since March! My line of work keeps me insanely busy from April to November with +/- a month or so depending on weather. I'm lucky if I get much stitching time, let alone time to think out a blog post. I hope to find more time for both in 2017, even if I stay up way too late!

I want to give a big THANK YOU to my stitching friends on Facebook and Instagram for keeping me in good spirits in my crafting down time. Special mentions to @amygstitchery, @every_little_stitching_thing, @haedjourney, @jays_xstitch, and of course @rhapsodylime 

Speaking of @rhapsodylime I have an announcement, but you'll have to wait until we take a closer look at this beauty.