Thursday, November 17, 2016

Update and Queen Anne's Lace Finish

I apologize for my severe lack of blog posts since March! My line of work keeps me insanely busy from April to November with +/- a month or so depending on weather. I'm lucky if I get much stitching time, let alone time to think out a blog post. I hope to find more time for both in 2017, even if I stay up way too late!

I want to give a big THANK YOU to my stitching friends on Facebook and Instagram for keeping me in good spirits in my crafting down time. Special mentions to @amygstitchery, @every_little_stitching_thing, @haedjourney, @jays_xstitch, and of course @rhapsodylime 

Speaking of @rhapsodylime I have an announcement, but you'll have to wait until we take a closer look at this beauty.

While I made some small progress on my HAED and had many 2016 plans, most of them went out the window with how busy 2016 got on the farm. I was less than thrilled! When Autumn came, I went back to it at lightning speed.

On October 23rd I started Queen Anne's Lace by Nora Corbett and after 14 stitching sessions she was finished!

I made many modifications, but I wouldn't call her a conversion. The main change was stitching her without wings. It was simple to leave them out, as only a few of the beads at her neckline had to be spotted in the chart where the wings were.

There are two reasons I left out the wings. The first, I just didn't like them. The second, the fabric. She is stitched on 28ct Cashel in Florin* by Under the Sea Fabrics. Stitching her on 28ct rather than 32ct also changed some things...
*This Florin was the original FOTM Florin dye bath, and not the current which is more coral toned pink*

The beads....oh the beads. The chart calls for Mill Hill Petite Seed Beads in Citron (42031) for the green. The color is far more yellow toned, and due to the larger stitches the smaller beads just didn't cut it. I had Mill Hill 11/0 Christmas Green (00167) in my stash, so I used them. I couldn't be happier with how well they worked.

In addition the fabric color also meant her pink tights had to go. I stitched them in her main skintone and stitched her shoes with a bit of Chartreuse (015) #4 Kreinik.

I decided to leave out the swirling beaded backstitching and some of the beads at the base of her dress as without the wings she's already a little bottom heavy.

That said....I have a HUGE announcement.

In 4 days I will be with @rhapsodylime!

 I will be spending Thanksgiving week with my best friend, and seeing her for the first time in 4 years. We have many plans for while I'm there, but the most relevant is Flosstube. Yes, I will be in her November Flosstube video and not only will it be highly entertaining...

We will each have a 2017 challenge for eachother!
and a giveaway for those that watch and comment!

I have no idea what she has in store for me, and it was my idea, but I'm still nervous especially knowing what challenge I have for her.

That's it for now! Look out for my 2016 Finishes, 2016 WIPS, 2017 Plans, and my Vacation Recap in December!

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