Thursday, August 27, 2015

Introduction - Know Your Needleworker Tag

Hello and Welcome!
My name is Amanda and I have been a cross stitcher for over 15 years. I decided to start a blog so I could share my projects with you. In addition to my projects I'll share product reviews and tips and tricks I use while stitching.

Now that the boring part is over I thought I would start my blog with the Know Your Needleworker Tag that has been active on Flosstube (YouTube) and other social stitching networks. Click on Read More to check it out!

Know Your Needleworker Tag
(My version from Carolyn Mazzeo's video on FlossTube/YouTube)

1- Where do you live?
A- I live in the state of Iowa in the U.S.A.

2- What do you do for a living?
A- I teach ballet, but do so much more. I help my parents run the family business. I also assist neighboring farms and do yard work for the local elderly community.

3- What are your 3 favorite hobbies other than cross stitching?
A- Baking, gardening, and reading. I spin yarn and knit as well.

4- Do you have any kids?
A- Not yet, but my husband and I hope to in the future.

5- Do you have any pets? If so what are their names?
A- We have many so I will not list names. We have German Shepherds, Sheep, LaMancha Goats, Chickens, Ducks, and like most stitchers cats :)

6- What is your favorite movie?
A- I have to say Labyrinth. I'm a huge 80's fantasy movie fan in addition to Disney and other fantasy movies.

7- What is your favorite TV show?
A- CSI:NY! I was crushed when the show ended. As for current shows Criminal Minds is easily on the top of the list. Sleepy Hollow, NCIS, and Once Upon a Time are also favorites.

8- What is your favorite music?
A- Celtic, Classical, and Lindsey Stirling. I listen to 80's, 90's, 00's, and current pop as well.

9- What is your favorite book?
A- This question should not be allowed because it's too hard to answer! I could never pick just one. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Giver, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Harry Potter, The Great Gatsby, Hunger Games, Phantom of the Opera, Dracula, Anything by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Tamora Pierce, Charles DeLint.....UGH!
Like I said in question 3, I love to read.

10- What is the 1 word that describes you best?
I honestly have no idea. I have never been someone that fit into a category or even close to one. I don't even know what my best friend would say, or my husband. I'll have to ask!

11- Who inspired you to start your blog?
(Original Question: Who inspired you to make videos?)
A- All of my followers and the comments I've gotten on Instagram. I wanted to do this to share my projects with everyone in more detail and maybe even help someone out.

12- What is your favorite food?
It's a tie between popcorn and sugar cookies. Not the healthiest foods for sure, but they're just too yummy!
That's it for the tag and this post. I hope you all stick around and enjoy my blog!

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