Wednesday, February 3, 2016

January 2016 WIP Update it really February already? I can't believe how fast January went. I think it may have had to do with all the SAL starts, last minute project changes, and the nasty weather.

On that note it's time for my monthly WIP update! If you follow me already on Instagram feel free to just scroll down after clicking Read More to the end for information about upcoming posts!


Mermaids of the Deep Blue
By Mirabilia

You can tell by the photo how I've felt so far about this project in addition to the...ahem lack of progress. I will be paying a large amount of attention to this WIP this coming month to make up for it. I'm honestly still just shocked I frogged the 2x2 arm without ruining the fabric. I will be stitching the tails before going back and doing the skin 1x1.

Celtic Summer
By Lavender and Lace (Color Conversion)

I think I did a total of 15 stitches on this in January. My thought was that it's the WIP I'm the furthest along with and I'd use that extra time for my Mermaids. While it was a good theory, it didn't happen. I ended up starting and finishing something completely different, but more on that later.
Story Time Sampler
By The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery

Ashleigh and I started this on the same day, and would have finished the same day if I wouldn't have lost power. We've got 11 more months to go though so it'll happen!
My birthday is in January and I love Alice in Wonderland, so this was just perfect for me. Ashleigh is stitching on Lugana where I am stitching on Linen so it's interesting to see the difference in the colorway and stitches as we go along.
Mini Cry for Nature
By Heaven and Earth Designs (Artwork by Selina Fenech) 

I can see all of you blinking. Where did this WIP come from?
I had a fabric issue while kitting up Once Upon a Time. This meant the new fabric would not arrive in time for the HAED SAL. My solution was simple, start a quick HAED. At least, quick as far as HAEDs go!
I finished page 1 and my goal is to finish page 2, 3, and 4 this month. I know that seems crazy, but pages 3 and 4 do not have much stitching involved.
I apologize for the lighting in this photo. I thought it was my phone, but no it's just the lighting in my house. I'll figure out how to get this photographed true to life somehow...even if that means taking it to my LNS!
For those of you wondering, I still plan on starting Once Upon a Time in addition to another HAED this year (and soon!) so don't worry. I know you all want to see it.


So...about that start and finish I did that squashed my progress...

A Perfectly Kept House
By Lizzie Kate

I saw this on Stash Unload on Facebook and instantly said "Me Please" as this had been on my 123Stitch wishlist for awhile.
The moment it got here, I tossed out the tacky, stiff, sticky, nasty even after I washed it linen it came with, and then started it on 32ct Green Lugana from my stash. I made some color and pattern changes, and I love it. I'm not sure how I'm going to turn this into a FFO yet. I'm stuck between finding a frame, and making a flat fold. What do you all think?


That's it for January. This month I should not only have a WIP post, but a HAED kit review post in addition to a...well one very large haul post. I will be doing the 30 days of cross stitch tag on Instagram so if you want to see it follow me there :) Username is arcadiandancer.

Till next time!

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