Thursday, November 17, 2016

Update and Queen Anne's Lace Finish

I apologize for my severe lack of blog posts since March! My line of work keeps me insanely busy from April to November with +/- a month or so depending on weather. I'm lucky if I get much stitching time, let alone time to think out a blog post. I hope to find more time for both in 2017, even if I stay up way too late!

I want to give a big THANK YOU to my stitching friends on Facebook and Instagram for keeping me in good spirits in my crafting down time. Special mentions to @amygstitchery, @every_little_stitching_thing, @haedjourney, @jays_xstitch, and of course @rhapsodylime 

Speaking of @rhapsodylime I have an announcement, but you'll have to wait until we take a closer look at this beauty.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Heaven and Earth Designs Kit Review

Hello everyone!

Last month the post delivered what I'd been anxiously waiting for. My Heaven and Earth Designs kit! This kit was a birthday gift from my husband to go along with a chart I was lovingly RAKed by Amy from the Heaven and Earth Designs Facebook group.

What all comes in a Heaven and Earth Designs kit? Is it worth the cost and wait time? Let's take a closer look.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

January 2016 WIP Update it really February already? I can't believe how fast January went. I think it may have had to do with all the SAL starts, last minute project changes, and the nasty weather.

On that note it's time for my monthly WIP update! If you follow me already on Instagram feel free to just scroll down after clicking Read More to the end for information about upcoming posts!

Monday, January 4, 2016

2015 in Review & 2016 Plans

Happy New Year Everyone!

First off, I want to apologize at being horrible with updating my blog. After September last year things got crazy with work and the weather so I didn't get any stitching done until the end of November :(

That said, it's time to go over 2015 and my plans for a FAR more productive stitching year in 2016. To check it out click on Read More!